Thursday, April 28, 2011

New Habits

I prepared a lovely little lunch for myself today. Cut up pepper, zucchini, celery, and cucumber to dip in hummus, followed by my favorite gluten free tortilla with a veggie basil filling. All made to-go, as I am always on the run. Before the subway came I got a chance to grab a bench and catch a second to take in the beautiful thunder clouds.  Suddenly, I smelled alluring deliciousness wafting from either side of me. New York bagel and cream cheese accompanied by a steaming cup of coffee- on either side of me!! Two against one. So I did the only sensible thing this healthy girl knows how. I started crunching on my celery...and dreamed of asking one of my bench buddies for a bite! Kidding. There was a time, however, when I would just get so angry at my gluten allergy and would give in to the indulgence of a bagel or croissant. I regretted it EVERY TIME. I became fatigued, irritable, and bloated. I mean so bloated that I looked 6 mo. prego! I would look down at my wheat baby in regret and long for the pre-bagel anger feeling instead of this new bodily transformation. Those days are thankfully over and I can gratefully accept my more healthier habits. I know how it makes me feel and the nutrients it provides for my body-  far superior to a bagel and cream cheese. So, ha, I win! 

By the way I am doing great on my diet. Almost no snacking, and eating only whole food meals. The occasional Gluten free tortilla included. It's made fresh from millet, brown rice and other magical ingredients that make it so tasty! It's gluten free in disguise!! I have been eating lots of salads, veggie juices, fish, chicken, quinoa, and sautéd leafy greens with new potatoes. I have lovingly slapped my hand every time I reach for a munchy food when I'm not hungry.  I just love to eat when I'm anxious or worried. I'm still not perfect, but I'm better. ;)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Blip

I had a great client session today.  We went through all her cupboards and fridge and replaced processed high sugar, high salt items with healthy high-nutrient foods.  It was interesting to see a sadness in her demeanor as she was doing the thing she knew she had to be doing but didn't want to. (her choice, by the way)  We threw out was mostly candy, chocolate, sugary peanut butter, and highly processed protein bars.  Throwing away sugary treats means throwing away a certain comfort and emotional attachment.  She knows it's time to fill that hole with other things.

So you know what I did?  After having this enlightening experience with her, I went downstairs to Argo Tea and got this sugary boba tea.  Is that what it's called?  Or bubble tea. I didn't realize how MUCH sugar they put in it until I tasted it! It was almost disgusting but I kept on drinking it!! ?? Point is I indulged in the very thing that I know is so bad for me! Sugar! And I never do anything like that!  Maybe it was because I was in mourning for my client, but most likely I am coming down off my sugar high from Easter weekend (chocolate covered almonds and something called butter krack) and I indulged in my craving.  I live a life free of refined sugar and mostly all sugars except for special occasions.  I do this because of how addictive it is.  I can't live a life of reason when sugar is in my diet.  Some people are more sensitive than others. I am one of those people.  That drink put me out for the rest of the day and after my sugar high... I took a nap.  Lesson learned.  And if I want to lose weight... no more funny business.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Crunchy Munchies

Why is it that some days I slug around and can't seem to get anything done (or even have the will to do it) and then others I zip through my day with the drive to do it all!!  Yesterday was a zippy day.  I would like to have them more often.  Maybe it was that I was really inspired after a wonderful get-a-way weekend of relaxing and Eastering.  It brought me back into the city so refreshed, and for a whole day I had no distractions and nothing getting in the way of my goals and aspirations.  Distractions happen a lot... and I think I invite them... like a self-sabatoge thing.  I have a worn out tape player of negative voices in my head telling me all the reasons why I shouldn't follow through with plans that I know will only propel me to the next step.  In fact as I am sitting here writing about it, I feel like I am trying to sneak a few lucid thoughts in while those voices are still dormant.

When I talk about overcoming mountains with my own health coach 3 years ago, a lot of those mountains have to do with this very subject.  And boy did I do some climbing.  Sometimes struggles fall by the wayside and sometimes they will always be there to wrestle with you. It's your job to tame and calm them.  What I have learned through my journey and struggles however is those negative voices aren't really negative at all.  They are trying to be protective.  Holding me down and keeping me back because it's a scary world out there and if I am going to venture out and do something risky, I just might get hurt.

This has got to be the crux of my overeating issues. It's a million times better now since I know how to tame and manage my cravings but life happens, stress happens, and I just gotta munch and crunch on those things that are forbidden!

So.  My goal for today is to follow my healthy impulses because ultimately I know what I need to be doing.  Anytime a negative voice pops up, I am going to thank it for coming and for the protection it's lending, but I am going to ask it to take a seat in the corner and then focus on the thing that is going to get me to the next step.  Then I am going to eat a lot of veggies! Ha!

By the way, last night as I was writing the initial blog I ate a whole bag of popcorn.  Did I need it?  Yes. BUT! That spurred inspiration for my second snacky foods. I can't maintain a healthy balance so for this dieting month they are out! I am going to stick with whole food meals, and if I happen to be hungry between meals, I will make an interesting side salad, or a mini meal of sauteed veggies and a whole grain.  There is nothing less attractive than shoving handfuls of crunchy fluff in your mouth, covering you with crumbs and salt.  Organic crumbs and salt... but none the less...

A question for you.  What is your favorite snack food?

Going jogging.  Putting on my gear, getting out the door and walk/run at intervals for 30min.  For anyone reading this...even if it's just my sister... go put on those running shoes and join me!

Monday, April 25, 2011

The big 10

You know, even Health Professionals need a little self-care and self maintenance every once in a while. I have been coaching clients privately for exactly a year now.  I love my new business and I LOVE my clients.  I have realized though that all my attentions have been on my clients and my work, and I have lost a healthy balance of supporting myself in conducting a supreme holistic lifestyle!  Ok, it will never be perfect and I realize that there is an ebb and flow to how we prioritize but let me just speak the truth.  I am feeling the extra flab.  5-10 lbs makes a huge difference and I am about to hang out in a bikini for a weekend. This is not acceptable. As of now I will be hanging out OF the bikini! Come on, I am allowed to say that.

So I have a month. Well, less than.  I am not going to live in a state of depravity, but I am going to lay some ground rules for myself.  That is how I would handle anyone of my clients.  My job as a health coach is to support them in their goals and what they desire for themselves.  So, here are mine:

I want to...
1. Lose 10 lbs by May 20th.
1a. Feel ok if it's just 5
2. Quit indulging in my cheating whims and let it be ok to tell myself no.
2a. Catch myself when I say "oh it's only a little bit" because it ends up being "a little bit" multiple times a day
3. Exercise everyday
4. Eat what I know is healthy and satisfying to me and my body
5. Gain a clearer understanding of my cravings and why I am indulging in them

Do I think 10lbs is doable?  I might question that goal if someone were to approach me asking for help with just that singular goal.  I would know there were deeper issues.  And yes, there are deeper issues here that I need to submit to.  The need to overeat, indulging in my cravings, munching all the time, anxiety eating, maintaining a healthy immune system and dealing with my compromised digestive track.  There are reasons for my behaviors and actions and I need to pay attention to them, address them, and make some changes.  That's when the weight will come off.  Meanwhile, I will eat what I know is right for me.

My health is ever-changing.  It started with my own health coach 3 years ago who helped me lose 15 lbs, get off medications, and find confidence and self-worth.  Since that transformation I continue to discover new layers of health.  It's fun and exciting as well as challenging, but I don't think there is any better reward than overcoming the challenges, gaining more knowledge of how to listen to my body, and understanding what it needs.

I hope you are intrigued and inspired by my blog.  My hope is that it will inspire you to seek nutrition and how it relates to your body.  ...and I also truly hope that I will indeed lose the weight.  If I do, I will post a pic to prove it!