Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Crunchy Munchies

Why is it that some days I slug around and can't seem to get anything done (or even have the will to do it) and then others I zip through my day with the drive to do it all!!  Yesterday was a zippy day.  I would like to have them more often.  Maybe it was that I was really inspired after a wonderful get-a-way weekend of relaxing and Eastering.  It brought me back into the city so refreshed, and for a whole day I had no distractions and nothing getting in the way of my goals and aspirations.  Distractions happen a lot... and I think I invite them... like a self-sabatoge thing.  I have a worn out tape player of negative voices in my head telling me all the reasons why I shouldn't follow through with plans that I know will only propel me to the next step.  In fact as I am sitting here writing about it, I feel like I am trying to sneak a few lucid thoughts in while those voices are still dormant.

When I talk about overcoming mountains with my own health coach 3 years ago, a lot of those mountains have to do with this very subject.  And boy did I do some climbing.  Sometimes struggles fall by the wayside and sometimes they will always be there to wrestle with you. It's your job to tame and calm them.  What I have learned through my journey and struggles however is those negative voices aren't really negative at all.  They are trying to be protective.  Holding me down and keeping me back because it's a scary world out there and if I am going to venture out and do something risky, I just might get hurt.

This has got to be the crux of my overeating issues. It's a million times better now since I know how to tame and manage my cravings but life happens, stress happens, and I just gotta munch and crunch on those things that are forbidden!

So.  My goal for today is to follow my healthy impulses because ultimately I know what I need to be doing.  Anytime a negative voice pops up, I am going to thank it for coming and for the protection it's lending, but I am going to ask it to take a seat in the corner and then focus on the thing that is going to get me to the next step.  Then I am going to eat a lot of veggies! Ha!

By the way, last night as I was writing the initial blog I ate a whole bag of popcorn.  Did I need it?  Yes. BUT! That spurred inspiration for my second goal...no snacky foods. I can't maintain a healthy balance so for this dieting month they are out! I am going to stick with whole food meals, and if I happen to be hungry between meals, I will make an interesting side salad, or a mini meal of sauteed veggies and a whole grain.  There is nothing less attractive than shoving handfuls of crunchy fluff in your mouth, covering you with crumbs and salt.  Organic crumbs and salt... but none the less...

A question for you.  What is your favorite snack food?

Going jogging.  Putting on my gear, getting out the door and walk/run at intervals for 30min.  For anyone reading this...even if it's just my sister... go put on those running shoes and join me!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you're so honest about your struggles. It really brings home the fact that no one is perfect - not even someone who studies health & nutrition and helps people with their health for a living.
    We're all human. It's encouraging and inspiring to know that none of us are alone in our food struggles.
